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אנ�ציקלופדיה תלמודית עתיד

The Dov Friedberg Beit Midrash for Talmudic Encyclopedia Writing


The Talmudic Encyclopedia is now entering a new and exciting era due to the partnership – philosophically, professionally and financially - with Mr. Dov Friedberg of Canada, and thanks to the support and guidance by the Friedberg Charitable Foundation chaired by HaRav Moshe Schapiro. The clear intention is to complete the entire project by the year 2024. This is being accomplished by a significant increase in the number of writers and editors, who are trained in the Friedberg Beit Midrash in order to teach the art of the Talmudic Encyclopedia form of writing.

The Dov Friedberg Beit Midrash of the Talmudic Encyclopedia at the Yad Harav Herzog Institute in Jerusalem is a new project of the Talmudic Encyclopedia which trains Talmidei Chachamim the skills of writing Talmudic Encyclopedia entries. A Beit Midrash like no other, it brings together Torah scholars from every segment of the Torani Jewish community.



"It is a Tree of Life to them that grasp it"


The administration of the Talmudic Encyclopedia, together with the editors, writers, reviewers and the entire staff continue their supreme, unabated efforts to achieve the formidable goal of completion of the project by 2024. This requires recruitment and training of new researchers, and, above all, the need to develop major resources and budgets. Anyone interested in joining us as our partner in this monumental enterprise by making a gift, according to his ability and inclination, will be blessed from above and his reward will be great.

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