The Talmudic Encyclopedia is an unparalleled work of Halachic literature which compiles, summarizes and explains the vast range of Torah knowledge on every topic in Jewish law, from Biblical times to the present.
The Talmudic Encyclopedia is unique in its widespread acceptance by Gedolei Hador and Talmidei Chachamim representing the entire spectrum of Torah learning around the world.
Especially today, as unverified and subjective information floods our world, the Encyclopedia is a vital and definitive resource in academic research and other contemporary fields, including the legal realm. The Israeli civil court system utilizes the Talmudic Encyclopedia in the process of reaching legal rulings.
Painstaking Process
Every entry in the Talmudic Encyclopedia is the result of careful and painstaking efforts by highly qualified researchers, writers, editors and reviewers. Each article concisely presents everything written about the topic – in the Torah, Mishna, Tosefta, Babylonian and Jerusalem Talmuds and Midrashim. It also notes every opinion and viewpoint in post-Talmudic literature, from the Gaonim through current responsa literature. Full references are cited for every quotation, opinion and commentary. In the volumes of the Encyclopedia completed most recently, detailed illustrations, charts and diagrams enhance many entries.
The Talmudic Encyclopedia project was initiated 70 years ago by HaRav Meir Bar-Ilan - son of the Netziv of Volozhin and a Talmudic scholar in his own right - and HaRav Shlomo Yosef Zevin, the universally-acknowledged Torah giant. Rav Yehoshua Hutner z"l directed the entire enterprise since its inception until his passing in 2009. Thirty-six volumes of the Encyclopedia have been published to date, containing 1,370 detailed entries (from Aleph to Lamed) - nearly half of the planned titles for the entire series. During the 70 years of operation over 1,000,000 copies have been sold throughout the Jewish world.