The Encyclopedia Talmudit Treasuries

The entries of the Encyclopedia Talmudit are a boundless source for reference and in-depth study for Torah scholars, researchers and students alike, but they are less accessible to some of the public who do not regularly occupy the benches of the study house. In the aim of rendering the content of the encyclopedia accessible to the wider public, we have established the “Treasures of the Encyclopedia Talmudit” project. This involves the publication of a series of books on specific topics, based on the extensive entries that appear in the volumes of the encyclopedia as well as further, as yet unpublished material, collected in the encyclopedia archives, which is to be presented to the general public in an easy and popular style.
Six books have been published thus far:
HaParsha BaHalakha (“The Weekly Parasha in Halakha”) - Halachic studies related to the weekly parasha, adapted in accordance with the entries of the Encyclopedia Talmudit. There are two essays for each parasha, accompanied by pictures. The book can be compared to an important guest at the Shabbat table for all those who cherish and study the Torah. The book was edited by Rabbi Uri Dasberg zt”l.
Otzar HaTfilah (“A Treasury of Prayer”) - Halakhic issues involving the Pesukei DeZimrah section and other prayers, adapted and stylized in the manner of the Encyclopedia Talmudit. Based on drafts of entries written by the Gaon Rabbi David Kahn.
Otzar Yerushalayim VeHamikdash (“A Treasury of Jerusalem and the Temple”) - Laws and customs of the holy areas and their boundaries, of Jerusalem, the Temple Mount, the Courtyards, and the Temple. Adapted from the entries “Jerusalem,” “The Temple Mount,” and “The Temple,” in the Encyclopedia Talmudit, with supplements from entries that have not yet been published, along with additional maps, photographs and illustrations. Edited by Rabbi Prof. Avraham Steinberg and Rabbi Asher Grossberg.
Machzor for Yom Kippur – Prayer book for Yom Kippur, with halachic essays written in the style of the Encyclopedia Talmudit, each incorporated into its appropriate place in the prayer book. Edited by Rabbi Prof. Avraham Steinberg and Rabbi Uri Dasberg. The machzor is available in Ashkenazic and Sephardic versions. It includes the mishnayot of Tractate Yoma, with textual variants and the commentaries of Rabbi Natan ben Avraham Av HaYeshiva (“President of the Academy”), and Rabbi Ovadiah Bertinoro.
Otzar HaChannukah (“A Hanukkah Treasury”) – All matters relating to Hanukkah, adapted from the entry “Hanukkah” in the Encyclopedia Talmudit, with the addition of new topical issues. The book includes the Order of Hanukkah Lighting and the Scroll of Antiochus, to ensure that the volume can serve as an accompaniment and a source of inspiration throughout the days of Hanukkah.
Passover Haggadah – A Passover Haggadah with halachic explanations from the Encyclopedia Talmudit. The Haggadah boasts a magnificent design and is decorated with illustrations from the Amsterdam Haggadah. Thirteen entries from the Encyclopedia Talmudit, which deal with all aspects of the festival of Passover, are appended to the Haggadah.
Halachic Insights from the weekly Torah portions - The source of the book is a weekly column written by the late Rabbi Uri Dasberg for two years in the Shabbat newsletter "Oneg Shabbat." Rabbi Dasberg was a Torah scholar, a rare writer and editor , one of the founders of the Zomet Institute, editor of Tachumin and the Encyclopedia Talmudit. Rabbi Dasberg was killed on the 5th of Iyar 5771 in a traffic accident at the height of his Torah and literary activity, and in this column Rabbi Dasberg developed short topics adapted according to the weekly portions read in the Torah and based upon subjects of the Encyclopedia Talmudit .The book was translated beautifully by Rabbi Mordechai Weiss
Two additional volumes are in preparation:
Otzar Yom Tov (“A Festival Treasury”) - All halakhic issues involving the festivals, compiled and adapted from the entries “Festivals,” “Second-day festivals,” “Labors for the preparation of food,” and others.
Otzar Chol HaMoed (“A Treasury of the Intermediate Festival Days”) - A unique machzor for the Intermediate Festival Days of Passover and Sukkot. This prayer book will include all of the Intermediate Festival Day prayers, found in their correct places, so that there is no need to search for the page, as required in a regular prayer book. The machzor will incorporate various content related to the halakhot of the Intermediate Festival Days and their specific prayers, compiled and processed from the relevant entries of the Encyclopedia Talmudit, as well as other sources.